Tuesday, December 22, 2009

contactOptometrists are a farce

When I was about 12 years old my mother made me visit an optometrist. Lucky for me and my siblings, early-onset myopia, tooth decay, and painfully agressive acne are all decidedly dominant characteristics that lie within the distal region of X chromosome (British gene). Thus, the appearance of a burgeoning facial blossoms triggered the first of three appointments. Now, the optomestrist was not, at first, a painful experience. In fact, the redisvoery of small things led to great jubilation and disbelief. However, as with all good things in life, the excitement wore off and I eventually traded deep dents in my nose for itchy red eyes and saline solution - so the story goes... Now, im not sure how I have gotten through numerous doctors visits in two the of largest states in the US without realizing events I only today was told outloud. Apparently, in order to get a prescription for contacts in the state on indiana (where I JUST recently moved) there is seperate 'contact fitting' that is mandated by the state. Of course, this 'fitting' costs top dollar and depending on your insurance (most suck fat testicles, literally) only part or none is covered. This fitting gets you a few flashes in the face and a confirmation of what you already know, your eyeball size and shape - something that hasnt changed since the first time you got contacts 15 years ago. So today, my free appointment cost me 167 dollars. Oh, and did I mention I have to come back in 2 weeks - apparently the exact same size and brand of contacts may be detrimental to my health now that I'm 27. Soon enough I'll need a urologist for a condom fitting...